Many countries oppose! Japan’s Fukushima nuclear pollution discharge into the sea is not only a nuclear safety issue!

At 13:00 local time on August 24, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan started to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

After the nuclear contaminated water entered the sea, the seawater showed two colors.

According to the news released by Japan’s TEPCO, today’s discharge of nuclear contaminated water is expected to be 200 to 210 tons. The first stage of sea discharge will last for 17 days, with a total discharge of about 7,800 cubic meters of nuclear-contaminated water.

Well, the seafood in the future may become like this.

China: Ask Japan to stop this wrong action

On August 24, the Japanese government ignored strong doubts and opposition from the international community, and unilaterally launched the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident into the sea. The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that China firmly opposes and strongly condemns this, and has lodged solemn representations with the Japanese side, demanding that the Japanese side stop this wrong act.

The spokesperson emphasized that the disposal of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water is a major nuclear safety issue with cross-border impact, and it is by no means a private matter of Japan. Since the peaceful use of nuclear energy by humans, there is no precedent for man-made discharge of nuclear accident-contaminated water into the ocean, and there is no generally accepted disposal standard. The Fukushima nuclear accident that occurred 12 years ago has caused a serious disaster, releasing a large amount of radioactive material into the ocean. The Japanese side should not cause secondary harm to the local people and even the people of the world out of its own self-interest.

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